We are so glad you are checking us out!
Bethesda Church exists because we believe every person matters to God. No matter where you are today, we want you to know you matter to us!
Bethesda is an imperfect community of people learning to love God, love one another, and seeking to make our city a better place.
Our goal is to be a place where you can heal, grow, and thrive as you connect with God and others.
If you would like to connect or learn more, please send us a message! Or, feel free to visit us for a service Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
If you have questions, you can call us at 815-397-4212 or reach me at PastorDan@BethesdaCovenant.com.
We hope to see you soon!
Pastor Dan

What Should I expect
Expect to be greeted by friendly faces at the door. We have tea, coffee, and treats in our hospitality room. Feel free to mingle or find a seat in our sanctuary. Services include great worship music, time for prayer, time to connect with others, and relevant bible teaching.

What should I wear
We are casual around here. You will see jeans, shorts, dresses and business casual attire. So, wear something comfortable and join us.

What about my Kids
Jesus loves kids and so do we! We are passionate about helping kids learn about God and grow in their faith. On Sundays, we have age-appropriate experiences that serve newborns through 5th grade. For more information on KidChurch, click here.
We recommend arriving 10 minutes before service. You will be welcomed by friendly faces at the door.
Coffee and tea are available in the hospitality room.
Service starts at 10:00am
Let us know how many and when and we will reserve a seat for you!
2101 East State Street, Rockford, IL 61104